Poklar nærmer seg spilleklar!
Vi har sjekket status med Tine Poklar og skaden hans
Dinamokampen kostet virkelig for Elverum med både Alexander Westby og Tine Poklar ut med skader, hvordan går det med nesen i dag Tine?
-My nose is now much better, It has been four weeks since the injury, so it should be healed by now. I still have some minor problems with it but also that should be gone soon.
Du fikk satt nesen på plass bare får dager etter bruddet, har du kunnet trene bra gjennom de fire ukene du har vært ute?
-Yes, I was training quite hard, a lot of running and physical training, I could do everything but playing normal handball. I used this time to get some training that we usually can not do so often, because of hard rythem with many matches.
Hva forventer du av de to gjenstående kampene i 2018?
We are Elverum, so we are always playing on a win. But we know that we always have to be 100% if we want to win it. But now with the Champions League behind us we can focus even more on Norwegain league and a cupfinal.
29 desember spiller vi Cupfinale mot Halden, hvordan ser Tine Poklars drømmefinale ut?
Like I said before, we are alway playing for a win, so I expect a hard match with Halden but I am sure in our victory in the end. But it is going to be a great atmosphere with a lot of our fans, so I really cant wait.